by Utah Wedding Photographers JamesErickPhotographyUtah.

Summer Bridal Veil Falls Engagement with Hailey & Chandler
The Summer Bridal Veil Falls Engagement with Hailey & Chandler was cool. No, I really mean that, the air around the falls was cool and damp, which is great on a hot summers day. This is the first day of summer and the air was warm, but not too warm. But the water fall was at a perfect level to climb out on the rocks to get some great pictures.
Bridal Veil falls in Provo canyon is a very beautiful photo shoot location, but it can be dangerous as the rocks are very slippery, and as you can tell by Hailey's shoes, she was not prepared to hike on slippery rocks in sandals. And even though it looks like we were hanging off the edge of 100 foot cliffs, we weren't. However, you could still easily break a leg here so we had to be careful.
When its windy, the falls can be really difficult as you can get a wave of spray drenching you in a matter of seconds, without even knowing it was coming. But today the wind was low so no worries there. The most unique thing about the falls besides its obvious beauty, is that I usually shoot here in the morning. In Fact its one of the only places that I prefer to shoot in the morning instead of an hour prior to sunset. The reason is that the lighting in the afternoon washes out the falls whereas the morning light is always great because the falls are shielded from the sun.
The pictures above are just a very few of my favorites from the Summer Bridal Veil Falls Engagement with Hailey & Chandler. Enjoy!
For more information on the Summer Bridal Veil falls Engagement with Hailey & Chandler shoot location, please visit the Bridal Veil Falls website, or for the exact GPS coordinates and pictures of hundreds of amazing shoot locations in Utah, please visit my Utah Photography Locations web page.
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