by Utah Wedding Photographers JamesErickPhotographyUtah

Spring Bridal Veil Falls Engagement with Madison & Chandler
The Spring Bridal Veil Falls Engagement with Madison & Chandler was actually a combination of locations between Bridal Veil Falls and Slide Canyon. I often combine these two locations because they are close to each other and using both gives my clients more variety as in backgrounds. One has a waterfall close up, the other mountain views and a waterfall far in the background.
The snow at bridal Veil falls had recently melted off, which made the falls a lot more accessible. Actually, this year we did not have a lot of snow. I have come here in April and found large chunks of ice at the base of the falls, but not today. Even without the ice, the falls can be a dangerous place to shoot. last year a 10 pound rock fell from the top of the falls and nearly missed my head by about a foot. And is really easy to slip on the moss covered rocks, so I am always very careful here.
The weather was not as cold today, so it was perfect for climbing to the middle of the falls to get some great pictures of Madison and Chandler walking and playing on the rocks near the waterfall. Needless to say, its really easy to get wet, and when the wind blows it blows waves of water all over.
The pictures above are just a very few of my favorites from the Spring Bridal Veil Falls Engagement with Madison & Chandler. Enjoy!
For more information on the Spring Bridal Veil Falls Engagement with Madison & Chandler shoot location, please visit the Bridal Veil Falls website, or for the exact GPS coordinates and pictures of each shoot spot, please visit my Utah Photography Locations web page.
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