by Utah wedding photographers James Erick Photography Utah

The Memory Grove Bride & Groom Session with Celeste and Payton was beautiful! And we not only shot at Memory Grove, but finished at sunset at the outside of the Utah State capitol.
Shooting a Memory Grove bride & groom session can be challenging. First, the second half of the park is an off leash dog park, and for some reason dogs love to run up to brides just after they have run through the muddy river a jump on the nearest bride. Second, there are some dog owners that are not very responsible and let there dogs go wherever they like and do not clean up after them. Making landmines a definite hazard. But if you can get past all that there are some really beautiful structures and trees and flowers. Another thing i like about Memory Grove is the amount of variety. From marble pillars to rustic bridges to stone chapels, Memory grove has a lot to offer.
I had already shot Celeste & Payton's engagement at Squaw Peak a few months earlier, so I knew they would be a lot of fun to work with. One of my favorite shots was the one on the bridge towards the back of the park over the river. It almost looks like something you would see in Ireland. But my favorite pictures from the shoot were taken near sunset on the south end of the Utah state Capitol building. I did not edit the sky. It really was that color!
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The pictures above are just a few of my favorites from the Memory Grove Bride & groom Session with Celeste & Payton. Enjoy!