by Utah Wedding Photographers JamesErickPhotographyUtah

Celine & Chandler's Fall Provo Canyon Bridals Adventure was exactly that, and adventure! Celine & Chandler are probably my most favorite couple I have ever taken pictures of, and that's saying a lot, as I have taken pictures of probably more than a thousand couples in the past ten years. And its not because they are really good looking. Its because they were willing to go on an adventure with me into the unknown.
My family ancestry goes all the way back to the Vikings. We were explorers, travelers, and even sometimes conquerors or foreign lands. The Vikings were always traveling to new places, and even though the Vikings are a history of the past, the spirit of adventure still exists in me.
The day prior to shooting this session, I was looking for a new place to do Celine and Chandlers Bride and Groom session. I went to Canyon view park as it was the only place I knew that still had Fall colors. I had been here many times, but this time was different. This time I found a new path, around a bend in the road, hidden by trees, that led up the mountain.
I followed that path for an hour to the top of the mountain and scouted out several amazing shoot locations. Then I wondered: Would Celine & Chandler really walk this far up a mountain in there wedding cloths to get to some amazing locations?
So after I got home I called Celine and told her about this amazing place I just found and told here it was a long walk up a mountain and asked her if she wanted to do her bridal session there. I expected to here: "Are you joking?" instead, she said, "lets do it!"
So we did it. We climbed to the top of the mountain on the north side of Provo Canon, in a windstorm, near sunset, and got some amazing pictures and I did a video as well
There had been a fire up here last year, caused by a gun range nearby, that went out of control. The entire north side of the hill was burned down. You could see the remnants of the burned out bushes, but the views were still beautiful. And when we got to the top of the mountain, and could see the entire city below, the view was breathtaking.
Chandler walked for an hour in his dress shoes up the mountain, and Celine in her UG Boots. It was cold, it was windy, but it was an adventure I will never forget, and I doubt they with either. We took pictures till the sun set and walked back in the dark down the mountain.
For more information on Celine & Chandler's Fall Provo Canyon Bridals Adventure shoot location, please visit my Utah Photography Locations web page.
For more information about James Erick Photography Utah, please visit my website at
The pictures above are just a very few of my favorites from Celine & Chandler's Fall Provo Canyon Bridals Adventure. Enjoy!