I shot this Squaw Peak Engagement Session with Celeste & Payton earlier this year, but I don't want to say when because the flowers are only there for about a month of the year and I don't want to see a million photographers trampling down the flowers. I only know about this location because of another couple I shot at this location late last fall. They told me when and where to come back to to see the amazing field of flowers. And they were right!
Its a tough drive getting up Squaw Peak, on an old and rough dirt road with large rocks and ditches and a speed limit of about 10 mile per hour. But the drive up and the view are well worth the difficulties getting to the location. I only usually go up here in the fall for the beautiful colors, but this time I was after a field of flowers.
Celeste & Payton were an amazing couple to work with and photograph. They both laughed and joked around during the entire shoot. I had spoken at length with Celeste's father who wanted to make sure his daughter got some amazing pictures. He asked me more questions than anybody else in the history of my company! But in the end, he was happy with my responses and booked me for his daughter. At the wedding, he told me he was very happy with the results.
For more information regarding my photography company, please visit my website at James Erick Photography Utah.
For more information regarding the area I shot the Squaw Peak Flowers Engagement with Celeste & Payton, please visit my Utah Photography Locations web page.
In order to not give away the location, I have only included a few pictures, but there were a lot more!