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Fall Slide Canyon Bride & Groom Session with Natalie & Talbot

by Utah Wedding Photographers JamesErickPhotographyUtah

The Slide Canyon Bride & Groom Session with Natalie & Talbot was one of my favorite shoots ever. Imagine a day where everything falls into place. OK, yes, there is planning involved. But luck also plays a part in ever shot I do. The weather was perfect. The Bride & Groom arrived early ( a rarity). And because many photographer follow my blog, the 2 secret locations which I will not publish were perfect. And of course, the bride & groom were perfect.

About two weeks ago now I stumbled upon a new location that I had passed by numerous times. I had always gone to the more popular road to the right, and had passed up the not nice looking road to the left. Then about two weeks ago I had a little extra time so I decided to take a hike up the road to the left. About 5 minutes in, and when I was just going to turn around, not seeing anything interesting, I met a couple coming down the road and I asked them if there were any good places to take pictures further up the road. They said yes, you have to see it, its beautiful up there.

OK, so many times people have told me places were beautiful but ended up being not great for photography. I have really high standards, so most of the time I am disappointed. Not this time. Two minutes more up the road and I came upon the most beautiful field with high snow capped mountains all around, and fall colors like you see in the movies. It was paradise! Better yet, not a single other photographer in sight!

This was a post wedding Bride & Groom shoot, because the bride's wedding dress was not ready prior to the wedding. Had it been ready we would never had been at this location. Natalie & Talbot were fun to shoot with, and were willing to go anywhere to get great shots. Towards the end of the shoot, we went to yet another new location that was just as beautiful.

The point is, sometimes you have to take a chance and explore to find the great shoot locations. Sometime you have to go a few minutes further. Sometimes you have to go left, when you have always gone right.

For more information on having me shoot a Slide Canyon Bride & Groom Session for you, please visit my website at James Erick Photography Utah. The following pictures are just 15 of the 200+ pictures my clients received from this photo shoot. Enjoy!

please visit my Utah Photography Locations web page.


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