Fall Utah Photography Locations
Big Springs Park Plateau
The Big Springs Park Plateau, is not really its name. There are 5 locations at Big Springs Park, and you could not get to them all in one photo session, so i broke them up into different areas. The Plateau is one of my favorite places to shoot at Big Springs Park as it has a lot of diversity. It's about the size of 10 football fields. There is a golden, grassy field with surrounded by high mountains. On one side is a beautiful view of the valley below, and on the other side is a scrub oak forest that lights up with the fall colors. The short end also has beautiful mountain views.
Fall comes to this area at the end of September, when the scrub oaks turn red. Later, higher up the mountain, the Aspen trees turn yellow. If your lucky, you may get there during a season when both happen near the same time.
There is a dirt parking lot that gets almost completely full in the height of Fall, so arrive early. Also, from the parking area, there is a 5 minute walk up a rocky dirt road to get to the plateau.
Best Dates To Photograph:
9/25 through 10/15
Travel Fee: $
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